You know because you were brought up in this lifestyle. I know because I tried everything else and by a scientific process of deduction and Divine Intervention came to a state of enlightenment about gender roles. And I am still learning day by day. I had to first come to the realization that what i was doing was not producing the results that I desired. Again, from the 12 step program, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Until a woman is convinced that her current behavior is ineffectual, she won't be willing to try something different.
I really like the second article that talks about mothers having the last word. I believe that to be the case, however, HOW we express that last word has everything to do with how it is received. A woman cloaked in humility, honor, dignity, and respect will be heard more loudly than a woman who bulldozes over her spouse and family. My mother-in-law just this morning explained to me the secret behind her political and professional success (she was a senator in a time when women did not have such roles):
"Navegar con bandera de pendeja."
Loosely translated, "Sail your ship with the flag of stupidity."
That, of course, is a crude and somewhat cynical way of expressing that she was able to get her point across and be heard once she had listened to all the men surrounding her until they finally looked to her for her opinion. After gleaning all the important information by respectfully and attentively listening, she would then guide them all in the gentle, nurturing way a mother guides her child to knowledge and understanding. She was not in competition with her male peers. Instead, at every level, she was showered with praise and her presence was desired. She didn't achieve her position by discrediting the men around her; but by creating a spirit of unity, partnership and cooperation.

What we as women do in the home can have such far-reaching effects; if we were to leave behind our ego, demanding equal pay and equal recognition, and understood that the power we wield by molding our children into loving human beings will ultimately change the course of history... well, life on this planet would be vastly different.
I'm going to put this in a blog. I think if we publish these conversations, women of all religions, ethnicity, and social classes will have a world of knowledge and thought-provoking opinions to contribute. The questions we ask each other as women will spark new conversations that may lead us all closer to the Truth, to enlightenment and ultimately, peaceful contentment and inner, as well as outer balance in the home and in society.
in love,
"The call for a return to virtue is a call for all of us. It is a call for the world now. It is for you and for me and for our daughters and granddaughters. It is for our families. Now is the time for a return to virtue. Now is the time for women everywhere to “arise and shine forth that light may be a standard for the nations.” A standard is a rule of measure by which one determines exactness or perfection. We are to be a standard of holiness for the world to see! It is absolutely true that we, the women and mothers of this rising generation, can teach and exemplify that it is possible to be pure in a polluted world. We can teach and exemplify that purity is power and is not prudish. We can teach and exemplify that virtue enables us to have the Spirit and with the Spirit, we can be absolutely confident “at all times and in all things, and in all places.
ReplyDeleteOur society is spending millions and millions of dollars for social programs to care for women
who have been abused, used and discarded. Moroni described a totally decadent society as
having reached the point where they have become “past feeling.” Have we as a society become
“past feeling?” Are we becoming numb to the enticements of Satan to erase virtue from the
moral landscape? Are we so surrounded by sights, sounds and immoral messages that the still small voice and the guidance of the Spirit are not present in our lives? What would happen if all the elect and noble women simply said, “enough is enough?” What
would happen if we refused to be objectified and sexualized? What if we refused to be
consumers of those things which subtly undermine our divine identity and our moral character?" ~ Elaine Dalton
more here:
i was going to comment, but my reply was so long, i thought it would be better as a post...