Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Power of Eve

I'm still here grappling with the issue of Eve in the garden and the meaning of the story of the origin of mankind. Most of you know how it goes -- Eve is tempted by the snake, partakes of the fruit from the tree of knowledge and then turns and offers it to Adam who could not resist.

The story comes from somewhere. And whether you believe it to be myth or fact, it is the creation story that a third of the world's population has heard and holds in the collective conscious.

What is the story's true meaning? What does it say about women? Should we hang our heads in collective shame? Are we really responsible for the fall of man, today, tomorrow and since the beginning of time? What are we to do about it? Flat out deny it? Or is there some nugget of truth that we should glean from the story while working on one of the Four Agreements and not taking it personally?

Upon further pondering, a universal truth that hit me was the fact that women's power to persuade men is not something to be taken lightly. Because we guard a hidden fruit (i.e. our sex) and men are driven instinctively to pursue it, their judgement can be easily clouded. When we whisper in a man's ear to influence his actions or choices, we are wielding great power and, as Spiderman's Uncle Ben once proclaimed, "with great power comes great responsibility".

Men are to follow the lead that comes to them from the Great Spirit directly. This comes to the gut, the Solar Plexus chakra, through the IGS as Zen DeBrucke calls it. It's a direct line and it works when a man knows how to listen intuitively.

Women are born intuitive. We "see" differently. We feel things deeply and are directly linked to our "gut" through monthly menstruation. Our bodies are linked to the phases of the moon when we are in sync. We are made to be at one with the Universe and ergo G-d/Source. So while we may have great knowledge and wisdom, we sometimes witness our men stumbling around in the darkness.

It is our inclination to step in and save them. Rescue them. Intervene and interfere. We have the fruit of knowledge and we want to them to have it, too.

Unfortunately, no one can "receive" it in that way from anyone else. And especially men, our men, cannot receive the light, the Word, the knowledge from Us. They must discover it on their own.

There is a famous and wonderful scene from "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" in which the matriarch is lobbying for her daughter to take a course to become a travel agent. It is a long and winding conversation until at the end, the husband "independently" comes to the conclusion that it would be best for his daughter to take a travel course.

It is a hilarious scene and women all over the world can relate. Of course, the husband is viewed in a somewhat pathetic light. But the situation reinforces another line in the film -- "Men are the head of the family, but women are the neck."

We have to use our power of persuasion prudently. Judiciously. Cautiously. We need to have faith and trust the man in our life to make decisions for the benefit of the family. We have to be willing to travel alongside him, oftentimes down paths that seem unsure and downright wrong.

Not that it isn't sometimes indicated that we whisper a bit of truth into their ears. And sometimes it is absolutley required.

Our motives are what's at issue. Are we controlling due to our fear and lack of faith? Or are we being lead by the Creator to help our men see things from a different perspective. Again, just because we know the answer doesn't mean we are obliged to blurt it out.

We must give them the chance to learn ON THEIR OWN, so they can become men. If not, they are condemned to be boys forever, and we, moms.

Bleck. Who needs that?

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